Sunday, November 8, 2020

Jeremiah Johnson is lying to you

Below is a post that Jeremiah wrote at the midterms during 2018. 

In this post he goes on to gloat that he didn't predict a Red Wave, but he was so grieved and saddened that these prophets missed it and how we need accountability in the Charismatic movement! Wow that sounds fantastic. 

Surely given that post above, Jeremiah is apologizing and owning up to his false prophetic words stating Trump would be reelected. After all he and his friend R. Loren Sandford have been writing books about accountability and accuracy in the prophetic movement for years. Surely since Jeremiah claims to be part of the "Micaiah company" that stands up to the truth and the new prophetic reformation that desires accountability, he will apologize and take responsibility right?! Wrong!

Fast forward to November 2020 and his tune has changed significantly. 

Within 24 hours of the election, he sent out an email to his followers that said the exact opposite. He says there is no way every prophet was deceived by a lying spirit and instead he declares Trump did win! Therefore he claims the prophets should not apologize. He made excuses for the false words and created a sense of urgency, fear and hopelessness that our elections were stolen and that he would be censored for his thoughts! He goes on to say, if anyone comes against the prophets, it is a Satanic attack! What a convenient method of manipulation. If you don't believe me, you can read all of this for yourself here.

Jeremiah is deluded, hears lying spirits and on one hand pretends to be a reformer of the prophetic movement, but on the other hand, makes excuses when the entire movement was wrong. He is stating that to hold these prophets accountable for their inaccurate words about the election, it is slander and a Satanic attack. He is a deceiver who should be avoided.

He has different set of rules for himself which he can violate and ignore as he desires. He pretends to be a watchman and reformer of the prophetic movement in order to lure people in. Don't fall for it. He is just a deceiver.