Friday, November 28, 2008

Pictures of My Rash

Since I've been complaining about it so much, I figure it's time to show you what the rash looks like.

This one is from very very early this morning around 5am. It is difficult to sleep with them. My bone looks weird here because I had to hold the camera at a strange angle. haha!

At that exact same time, I had one identical on the other shoulder.In less than 10 minutes they had both vanished. There was no sign a rash had ever been there and the itchiness completely faded.

This rash on my back was extremely itchy. I was jumping up and down so I didn't scratch it so much. The marks are part of the rash. I've seen one of these form out of no where.

This rash was from last night near my right armpit. It was extremely itchy, but faded completely away within 30 minutes.
What could this be from? It could be from elevated liver enzymes. Some people say though it wouldn't cause a rash, but others who have elevated liver enzymes experience the same type of of rash as me. One that comes and goes about as fast as they appear and it usually appears later in the day. I haven't had a rash yet this morning, but we will see how it goes.

On average I am having about 10-20 rashes a day that form, itch like hell and then disappear completely.

I did get my bloodwork done today. I didn't have anything active at the time, but I can feel my body is on high alert. Whatever it is causing this will hopefully show on the bloodwork.

1 comment:

Marty said...

Hi there, I am sorry about all you are going through :( . I found your blog when searching for pictures of rashes. I have really researched these rashes I have been getting and would like to compare notes with you. Please note I am NOT a doctor... These rashes that "come and go" really quickly are usually "hives" (as I am sure you know). But there is something else that causes rashes that look like scratch marks (like you point out in one of your pictures) and like ones I have had and that is condition carried by ticks and fleas (and cats, think you have one from reading) that is called Bartonella (look it up). I have pictures I can send you and there are some online. This disease is a co-infection at time with Lyme disease but there are so many variants blood tests rarely test or pick it up. My email is . This might not be the cause of your problems but I can tell you in terms of rashes that look like scratches its the leading contender I have researched. -Marty